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[ 04-25-03 ] [ 9:09 p.m.]
[ Will Lawrence be mine? ]

I don't think I've ever been so glad to see the weekend. Tomorrow, I might be going over to Carol's for Anti-Prom, and Sunday I'm going to Holly's b-day "hangout" party.

But, unfortunately, before I can do any of that, there's a catch.

There's always a catch.

Read: Lawrence. The Lawrence University Annual Piano Competition. I'm in it.

I'm nervous as hell about it.

Because, this year, I actually have the talent and (gasp) readiness to make state honor.

You know how many years I've been trying?

No, I don't imagine you do. I've been trying for six years to reach state honor. I want it so bad I can taste it.

And I want it this year.

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