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[ 04-24-03 ] [ 7:17 p.m.]
[ Elle se plaint! ]

I have not recovered. I may have taken one small step towards a new "me", but I'm nowhere near where I should be.

How could I possibly be, with these breakdowns still happening?

Excuse me, Doctor, but multi-vitamins and Elidel aren't going to do much for my depression. I'm not even sure the birth-control pill will, but I wouldn't know yet.

I'm not allowed to start on The Pill until the beginning of my period. My periods in the last six months or so have been strangely wacked out, skipping months at a time. It could be June before I'm allowed to start on The Pill.

I'm not sure if I can wait that long.

This whole thing might just blow up in my face before then.

In addition to having an empty Mountain Dew bottle thrown at my sensitive nose, getting hit in the nose with a door, having a breakdown, and a "pretend" breakdown because I didn't want to sit in history class, I found out that all my grades suck.

Oh, joy. Can't wait to see my six-weeks report card.

Can't wait to get grounded.

I have one question for the Man Upstairs. When did I ever sign up for the "things don't get better for a veeeeery long time" plan? I'd like to cancel my subscribtion.

I just want to get better.


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