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[ 05-13-03 ] [ 4:42 p.m.]
[ Since when?! ]

I have one patronizing male friend who is getting on my nerves as of late.

Tim has now decided that he doesn't like the fact that if I became Alex's girlfriend, I would be his first girlfriend.

He grilled me about my personal life in immense detail this morning, trying to decide if I would be a good girlfriend for Alex.

This all coming out now because I cooled off on the crush-on-Alex thing for a while, and now that sparks are flying again, I think I'm going to make a serious attempt at becoming Alex's girlfriend.

And suddenly, it's Tim's business.

I can't even describe how angry this makes me. It wasn't Tim's business when Alex and I started swapping personal stories this morning, and it wasn't Tim's business when we started talking about dating. And it sure as hell wasn't Tim's business when I declared that I needed to get Alex a girl.

Tim already knew I was talking about me.

And I guess, by knowing that I was referring to myself, it makes it Tim's business.

So does that make it my business what happens in all my other friends' lives when they don't want me to know?

And if it does, since when?

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