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[ 03-29-05 ] [ 11:11 p.m.]
[ Daizy ]

I should have seen it coming; it was just a matter of time.

My dog, Daizy, has died.

She follows behind Rueben just a day past two months. She had been deteriorating for far longer than Rueben and it was finally time for her to go. She was a wonderful dog and a wonderful friend, always there for me when I would cry, would cry about my horrible life and wish things would be different.

Now I cry over her and wish things were different.

I am distraught beyond words. In just two months, two of my most steadfast companions have died.

Where is there to go in this world if you cannot go with man's best friend?

There are few creatures simpler than dogs - eat, sleep, play. But through all dogs, Daizy and Rueben live on. And they live on in every memory recalled by the family that loves and misses these two wonderful pets more than any of us know how to say.

May they rest in peace, and know that they are eternally loved and cherished.

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