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[ 03-26-05 ] [ 11:13 a.m.]
[ Liars ]

Some people feel as though they must make their lives into a novel, as though if they don't, they'll be horribly neglected by everyone. So they tell outrageous lies, ones that even the most gullible person could see right through, and don't expect to be caught at their stupid little games - ever.

I know this all because I used to do it myself.

It tends to be more harmless when children do it. Most children who tell bold-faced lies like that haven't developed a good sense of "no, that's bad", and when they get older, they tend to lie less, or at least keep the lies believable.

I'm still a horrible liar - not that I'm bad at it, just that I do it all the time. I used to have problems keeping my stories straight and that's how everyone would know I reeked of bullshit, but now I'm fairly practiced at telling little lies that don't need a whole lot of intricate planning to keep straight. When I was younger, though, I told some serious whoppers.

These people that tell these outrageous lies for attention really get on my nerves. I didn't realize until I got to be about sixteen or seventeen that huge lies are really not worth the time and effort to try. Somebody's going to see right through you eventually, and it's not a very good feeling to know that you've been seen through, because it makes you wonder how many other people know. And then comes the whole confessing up to the lies, and the waiting on edge to see if the people you've lied to are going to forgive you...

Some people just don't get it, though. I happen to know quite a few of them, and I know why they do what they do. In this society, if these people can't get attention by positively memorable, then they subconsciously decide that they've got to be negatively memorable to get attention. So they either cut themselves to oblivion and call themselves suicidal, or they tell hugely complex lies of things that have never happened to them. Sometimes they do both. This is not to say that everyone who's suicidal is that way for attention. But suicide in general is a cry for help.

At any rate, what would cause me to rant about liars this morning? I know someone who's a terrible, terrible liar. Who tells the most outrageous stories I've ever heard. Sometimes I can't even keep a straight face when I talk to her, because I know how badly she's lying. She's told me unbelievable lies before, and I caught her at it several times, and yet she continues right going with it, telling lies as if each one saves another little chunk of her very troubled soul. It has gotten to the point where I believe nothing of what she says because I'm so used to hearing bullshit.

The funniest thing about this whole situation is that she doesn't think I have any clue at all about it. She thinks I'm just a good, sympathetic friend as I listen to all the problems in her poor, poor life. But really, I'm holding back from laughing in her face and telling her to grow the fuck up. This person is a grown woman. But she acts like a vain fourteen-year-old.

What this person must realize is that liars always know liars like her. And after that, she must also realize that everyone is a liar at some point, and so everyone she comes in contact with can see right through her like glass.

Someday she might realize that. But I lost hope a long time ago that she would ever stop lying.

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