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[ 03-18-04 ] [ 10:05 a.m.]
[ La-dee-dah ]

I think that the more journals I have, the more difficult it is for me to remember to write in them. In all honesty, my vent diary will probably become obsolete in a few days, and I'll be back to writing in here again.

La-dee-dah... Government... la-dee-DAH! I'm really bored. Nobody is really even paying attention to this stupid simulation we're supposed to be doing, anyway. *yawn*

I realized lately that I want to write. I want to write about my life, and not just boys and stuff, that I actually want to tell people what's going on. Of course, I would like it if people still cared, but I'll take what I can get.

My biggest news as of lately and stuff is that I got my car back. My Nissan, 146 FSJ. The very same. Fixed and working wonderfully. It smells like nail polish remover inside though and if you sit in it for too long you start to get woozy and stuff. It's really crazy. Yeah.

Well now we're going back upstairs, so ta-ta for now.


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