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[ 02-16-04 ] [ 11:34 a.m.]
[ Calm after the storm ]

So yeah. I got in a car accident. A really stupid one. And maybe I should watch what I say because Tyler's reading over my shoulder and he was in the car when we went barrelling into a parked semi trailer.

So. How are you all?


Exclamation points courtesy of Tyler, who is suffering from some ADD or something. He just had to ask me what "add" was. I told him it was Attention Defecit Disorder, but I think he's still confused.


Also courtesy of Tyler.

If you can't tell, I am feeling a little better than I was. Probably because even though the whole school knows that I got in a car accident being reckless, that I'm grounded and I have no immediate transportation, I feel pretty damned good that I'm alive and that Chris and Tyler are alive. "And that Chris's head is not a pancake," says Tyler.

I'm not thinking about it right now. I'm thinking about the Daytona 500 which was admittedly pretty boring, but hell, it was the biggest race of the year. Of the NASCAR year, at least. Junior won, Tony was second, and there was some very slashy victory lane huggage.

*can't believe she just wrote that while Tyler could read it*

Oh, well, it's okay. Tyler had to ask what "huggage" is.

He also didn't know that it's portraying action when you put stars around your words.


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