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[ 11-28-03 ] [ 11:08 p.m.]
[ The Saga Continues ]

I bow to you, oh diary I have blatantly ignored! Well, actually, I've ignored everything internet-wise lately, so I don't feel as bad about being MIA from Diaryland.

The saga has been sort of nuts lately. In short, I finally have a place of residence other than the hellhole that I had been living in. Depending on whose version of the story you hear, I got kicked out or I left willingly. Either way, I'm staying with my maternal grandparents at their house in Neenah, so I'm closer to my friends and closer to things to do and I have a more flexible curfew. My mom wants me to come back and my stepdad doesn't; frankly I'm in agreement with my stepdad on this one, as I'm much happier here than I ever was there. My dad does not want me to live with him and does not want to be involved in this at all (yes, there is an elaboration, and no, I'm not elaborating on it now.) I have a social worker named Mr. Johnson who nags me constantly, so much so that I have to keep my phone turned off so I don't have to talk to him.

As far as my love life goes, Josh and I are through, Alex and I are through, and Chris and I are very, very, very not through. It's common knowledge in my group of friends that I am majorly crazy for Chris, and it's a common speculation that he's got a thing for me, too. We flirt constantly, probably more than we ever have, and he's close enough to me that he knows exactly what's going on in my life, right down to the bone. In fact, some of our friends, namely Rose, have been dropping hints and making comments on how cute Chris and I look together, and how he should kiss me, et cetera. Damn, I wish I weren't so relationship inept. I'm too shy to tell Chris how I feel about him, mostly because I don't want to face rejection from a guy I'm in love with. I wish we would just get together. All this apart-ness is killing me. Carol swears that he watches me; I know he flirts with me more than other girls. I'm highly confused by him. But you know what, I'm highly confused by most boys.

Otherwise, everything is fine. I got a 4.0. I applied to some colleges and got accepted. I'm going into the second trimester kicking and screaming, because I really liked my first tri schedule. I... um... am really tired. So I think I'm going to wrap this up for now. I'll try to be more regular with these entries, but we all know how that goes. *rolls eyes*

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