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[ 11-06-03 ] [ 8:28 a.m.]
[ Aggrivation and some shit about grades ]

Just a small FYI for those of you reading. Bo's shit has pushed me over the edge, and so I'm really concealing in here. Yeah, yeah, I know you knew that already. As a result, I got a new screenname on AIM, which is 'niquesrx'. Also, I bought an LJ, and when I get it my username will probably also be 'niquesrx'. I don't know much about the functions and shit of LJ, but even if there were a way to lock it, I doubt I would. You guys are the only ones who will know what my LJ username will eventually become, so when I tell you for sure, it goes without saying that you don't tell it to anyone! I will probably not even use my first name on my LJ, for the sheer and simple reason that I don't want Bo to find it. So yeah.

Thank God for Tim. I always forget to mention how great he is. Bo came over by my friends' morning hangout this morning, giving me shit again, and when I went after him Tim made sure to hold me back, and then proceeded to tell Bo off himself. All the shouting at Bo attracted some attention, some wanted, some not wanted. We had one of the administrators over - we had to assure him that it was just a small disagreement, that no blood would be shed. Alex and Chris were also both in the thick of it. *sigh* I have good guy friends.

I'm no longer getting an A in Geology and it makes me angry. An 85. Bah! I would love to nail down a 4.0, but if I get a B for the second six weeks in Geology, I will probably not accomplish that. I've been talking to Mr. Camber about it, and he says that I'll have to get good grades on the two upcoming projects and the final in order to fix it. I asked him what's the lowest possible grade I can get for the second six weeks to average an A, and he said an 87. So I have some work to do. Three assignments left and a little over two weeks to raise my grade.


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