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[ 09-01-03 ] [ 10:11 a.m.]
[ Au revior to summer ]

Terry Labonte is the coolest old guy alive. That said, I don't want to go back to school.

What the hell am I saying?


That said...

In honor of the inevitability of the world's most stupidest innovation, the creation of the public school, we shall now list some quotes from the best school movie of all time, Billy Madison. If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend doing so at this time.

"Back to school, back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight! Oh, back to school, back to school..."

"You don't just look for an hour and call it quits. You get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog!"

Veronica I thank you, for beating the shit out of me! I see things so clearly now, I choose my destiny."

"Who would steal 30 bag lunches?"

"Hey look everybody, Billy peed his pants!"
"Of course I peed my pants, it's the coolest!"
"Yeess! You're not cool unless you pee your pants!"

"Where's my snackpack?"
"I thought I was your snackpack!"

"Shampoo is better! I go on first and clean the hair!"
"No, conditioner is better! I leave the hair silky and smooth!"
"Oh really fool?!"
"Nahh nahh nahh nahh nahh!"
*Billy promptly drops both shampoo/conditioner bottles and looks at this metal swan*
"Stop lookin at me, swan!"

There's about a million more, but I don't feel like typing them all out. So whatever.

Audieu, summer!

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