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[ 04-14-03 ] [ 12:54 p.m.]
[ Pointlessness ]

I just called the Tyme machine. I think it's broken.

It's 83 degrees outside.

It's the fourteenth day of April, 2003, in eastern Wisconsin, and just last week it was 20 and snowing.


Okay, not that I'm complaining that it's 83 degrees outside, but really. This is getting rediculous. By Thursday, we're supposed to be back down to upper 30's with rain and snow. Jesus Christ, Mother Nature! Make up your mind already!!

Or better yet, DON'T make up your mind. Let me do it for you!

Okay, now that I have that lovely little rant out of my system, I can concentrate on telling you the more important details in my life. Oh, God, I sound so self-absorbed, don't I?

I went to my doctor's for my physical today, and explained to her every bit of my crazy wacked-out emotions/medical abnormalities. She said, a lot like I expected her to, that there was nothing she could tell me yet. So they took blood. (Goough - needles!)

Now my arm itches.

Cry, cry, cry. Can you hear those tiny violins? I am in much too sarcastic a mood to even feel sorry for myself.

You know, if I weren't so fat, I could go outside and get tan. (Laugh now.) I don't think I've ever had a tan in my life. It just doesn't happen. It's like paradox - if it happens, it's phenomena that shocks everybody who knows about it. Maybe I'll go outside and work on my throwing, because league softball starts in three weeks and I think I'm going to try out for an Oshkosh team.

Or maybe I'll just sit here and get fatter. I dunno.

This entry was pretty pointless, wasn't it?

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