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[ 03-10-05 ] [ 9:19 p.m.]
[ Here in my car, I feel safest of all, I could lock all my doors, it's the only way to live, in cars ]

The Waukesha trippin' goes well so far. Aside from playing DDR to a point that I honestly thought I was going to pass out, it's been a good trip. It's always good to see your best friends, no matter the location.

The location, at the moment, is Carroll College's tech center. From what I've seen of Carroll, I like it, maybe enough to consider transferring to it, which I know Liz would enjoy infinitely. Holy shit, we could be roommates. That's a scary thought. Liz and I, sharing a box.

Anyway, driving to Waukesha in the snow, and subsequently getting into a few close calls and losing my short fuse with Carol's driving ability, I realized that I really don't trust the driver of a moving automobile when the driver isn't me.

Carol isn't a very good driver. She reminds me a bit of a sixteen year old who's had her driver's license for about two months and is still learning how to correctly pilot a moving automobile. She tends to drive very close to the right side of the road, which is a bit nerve-wracking when there are large telephone poles lining the side of the road. She very nearly got into a collision tonight coming back from the place we played DDR at, and I lost it. I felt as though calling my mother and asking her to come get me was a viable option. I'm that insecure with other people's driving abilities.

That's what's going to make my loss of driving privileges so difficult - that if I want to do something this summer that doesn't involve driving to work, the doctor's office, or the grocery store - that's right, the grocery store - I have to trust one of my friends and her driving skills.

It probably wouldn't come as much of a surprise that I'm generally the "designated" driver of my friends. Nicest car, best driving skills.

That's another funny thing about me - out of all of my friends, I'm both the best driver and the worst. I've been driving things all my life (riding lawnmowers, mostly) and my driving and navigation skills are better than what is expected for most teenagers, but I'm prone to do wild and crazy shit in a car because I'm that confident with my abilities. It makes me both a great driver and a dangerous one. Granted, last February's car accident has sobered me quite a bit, but I'm still prone to act like an idiot every once and a while.

At any rate, I miss driving. More than once tonight I've threatened to throw my restrictions to the wind and drive for Carol since I know where I'm going and I think we're both more confident in my abilities than in hers. But no, I'm not going to do it. For once in my life, I'm going to do the responsible thing.

You might want to make a note of that. It definitely doesn't happen every day.

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