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[ 04-28-04 ] [ 11:34 a.m.]
[ Giving blood and the Subway Guy ]

Maybe it's because I used to be into self-mutilation, but I really don't understand how some people can use the excuse that they're afraid of needles to get out of donating blood. Today is the annual blood drive, and it's really kind of pathetic how many people won't give blood when they're perfectly able to. All of my friends that aren't donating are either underage (you have to be seventeen) or don't like needles. To me, the needle thing is a lame excuse. It's seriously not painful at all. It's one quick poke. It's not like they purposely try to make it painful. The only part about giving blood that squicks me is looking over to see your blood filling the bag. But still, it's absolutely worth it to give blood. And they give you free food.

Last night I went to Subway and Nicole, one of my friends from O-North, was working with the hot Kasey Kahne look-alike. Turns out his name is not Ryan, but Bryon. The day I asked him what his name was, he said his name was Bryon but I thought he said Ryan. Tonight he was wearing his nametag and I couldn't stop myself from going "Oh, your name is Bryon!" And he blushed and went "Well, what did you think my name was?" and I told him I thought he said Ryan and he sighed all tragically and went, "Another promising young lady who gets it wrong." We laughed about it for a few minutes and he gave me my sub for free! His manager was over there and just said to me, "He doesn't give freebies too often." I take that as a promising sign. Then Nicole called me at about 10 pm while I was sleeping and said "Bryon wants to know your AIM name. Is it okay if I give it to him?"

I seriously couldn't sleep after that! I wanted to go online and hope some random person would IM me and that it would be him. Of course, me being stupid me, I didn't ask Nicole for Bryon's screen name.

I'm seriously shocked that Bryon would ask. I mean, his asking implies that there's interest, at least from a friendly standpoint. But when I think about it, it's seriously whack. There are about a million attractive girls who come into Subway every week. Most of the preppy girls eat there. Granted, there is another Subway (my ex-boyfriend Matt works there, which is a good reason why I only go to Bryon's Subway) but Bryon's Subway is closer to school. Any hot guy like Bryon should be attracted to the pretty girls, not the chunky and less-than-graceful ones like me. And what's attractive about braces (even though mine come off tomorrow)? But Nicole insists it's my wit. She says that I'm the only girl that comes in that's brave enough to joke with Bryon the way she and Mike, the manager, do. She says all the other girls gawk at him, and that it makes him uncomfortable. She said he thought I was funny, and that was why he asked for my AIM name. I asked her, just out of sheer morbid curiosity, how the topic of getting my AIM name came about. She just shrugged and said that he figured we must be friends, because I called her Nikkiboo, which is her sacred nickname. So from there, he asked her for my AIM name.

Dude, I'm really kind of shocked. Hot boys aren't supposed to like ugly girls like me. It just doesn't happen. But Bryon likes me enough to ask one of my good friends for my AIM name. That in itself is shocking.

And the next time I see him, I won't have braces anymore. So maybe he'll think I'm more than just funny. Maybe he might think I'm somewhat good-looking too, even though I know that's a longshot.

Here's to hoping.

My public service announcement of the day: go give blood. Do it. Now.

Okay, done. Have a good, wonderfultastic day.

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