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[ 04-20-03 ] [ 7:45 p.m.]
[ Break hath endeth ]

To all the Easter-celebrating folk, Happy Easter.

To all the potsmokers, Happy 4:20.

To those of you who fall somewhere in between, Happy... Day.

I'm glad I'm alive.

I haven't figured out why yet, or come to a strict conclusion on my sudden euphoria, but all I can say for myself is that this morning I woke up and I was happy I was living.

Odd? Disturbing? Yeah, kinda.

What's even more odd and disturbing, though, is the fact that I want to go to school tomorrow. There are two (somewhat) justified reasons for this:

#1: Vacation has been nowhere near 'vacation'. It's been pretty close to the hot fiery pit.

#2: A certain boy named Alex has been haunting my dreams lately, and I'd like him rather to haunt my life.

Okay. Basically, I want to go to school because I don't like vacation and I want to see Alex.

I'm pretty pathetic, aren't I?

Also, I'm currently burning a CD with a bunch of songs that I love, so I'll have something new to listen to in study hall.

I'm really pathetic.

I'm just hoping that, with 7 weeks of school left, I don't continue to go crazy.

I can't wait for summer.

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