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[ 04-19-03 ] [ 6:48 p.m.]
[ Home Sweet Home ]

I'm still tired, still sore, and still sort of pissed. But I'm over it.

Aside from the fact that I wasn't told promptly to my face that I was fired, I'm not all that upset over losing my job. Don't get me wrong - I loved the opportunity and I loved the kids, but it was becoming a job that I just didn't want anymore.

So, aside from that, being at home, knowing I'll be sleeping in my own bed, is probably one of the nicest things about the whole trip.

A recap? Sure.

Thursday, I lived through... a 5 1/2 hour car ride, getting lost on the way to the hotel, watching my mother get in an argument with the convenience store clerk, a five hour visit to the Mall of America, dinner at Hooters, losing 3 games of cribbage, and the Minneapolis nighttime traffic.

Friday, I lived through... a disgusting continental breakfast, rain, an hour long college orientation, a two hour long campus tour (that I'm still feeling very angry effects from), a half-hour College of Liberal Arts orientation, my mother pulling the old "oh, by the way..." about my job, losing 4 games of cribbage, and a disgusting dream that I care not to talk about.

Today, I lived through... getting roused at 7 in the morning by my mother finding a snippet of some slash, my mother flushing that snippet of slash down the toilet, and a 5 1/2 hour car ride.

I'm so fucking glad I'm home.

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