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[ 04-07-05 ] [ 1:18 p.m.]
[ Fucking complaining idiots ]

Some people just cannot be satisfied with the fact that they can't please everyone.

This is why I quit reviewing when I was a reviewer before. I'm sick of people thinking I'm a bitch because I'm being honest. If I think you suck, I'm going to tell you you suck. I'm not going to butter your ass.

I'll be perfectly honest - I'm not always happy with reviews that I get. I very rarely am, as witnessed by my previous entry. But you know, at least I have the class to bitch to my own god-damn diary, and not bitch at the reviewers who don't like me as much as I'd hoped.

Some people just don't fucking get the reviewing thing. Be nice to your fucking reviewer. Say thanks, or if you really didn't like what they had to say, don't say anything at all. But don't fucking complain, because if you do, chances are your reviewer is going to give you a worse grade. Complaining is NOT going to get you a better grade - it's going to get you RIDICULED.

Some fucking idiots fail at life.

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